
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Social: Blog Edition

Here's to my first Sunday Social of 2013!!

Now, before I get to it, I want to say that I'm currently sitting at Panera eating my pumpkin muffie and hot tea (bought with a gift card!) reading blog posts from weeks ago from some of my favorite/usual blogs. If you're asking why I'm not sitting at the comfort of my own home...well I don't have internet and won't have it again until February 1st. 

But, for someone like me, who wants to blog on a daily basis AND wants to READ my favorite blogs... it's not the greatest situation.

So here we go:

1. What is the name of your blog? How long have you been blogging? 
The name of my blog is The Very Unofficial Adult and I've been blogging (hold on let me check my stats) October 21st, 2010! HOLY COW! This is my first post.
2. Why do you blog? 
I blog as an outlet. It's like my journal. I've never been one to talk very articulate or discuss how I'm feeling (which I'm working on), but you give me a pen and paper (or in this case, a blank screen and keyboard) I can write anything and everything. I also blog to educate myself on things I'm not to familiar with (crafting, religion, relationships, etc.). I love the relationships I've formed and reading stories or situations that are similar to mine.
3. What is the first blog you ever followed? 
My good friend, Erin over at Life As It Is. Some of my firsts were Hanna at Bouffee e bambini and Jessica at Fantastically Average. I've been following both of these ladies for so long that if we were to meet face-to-face I think we'd have a lot to chat about!
4. What is your favorite post you wrote in 2012? 
Ohhh, this is a hard one. (Let me go back and check real fast)---This post about running my first 1/2 marathon. My I Betcha didn't know post. And my first ever blog award!! 
5. What are your blogging goals for 2013? 
My top goals for my blog this year is to get a 'button', a 'signature' and to possibly go to a blogging convention!! Have any of you gone to one? If so, what did you learn? Would you recommend it? 
6. Top 3 favorite blogs to follow?
I have more than 3. But I'll try...
Michelle @ The Vintage Apple

I can't wait to hop around all these blogs!! I hope everyone has a fabulous Sunday!!

1 comment:

  1. I have never been to a blogging convention but always thought BlogHer would be fun!

    Stopping by from Sunday Social!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom
