This past weekend The Boy and my dad came into town. So we went to Nashville all day Saturday and had such a blast. They left on Sunday. Only a month and a half until I'm back home with my family, boyfriend and friends.
I don't even want to think about leaving these people though... :::sad face:::
I have been back on the applitrack search again for a job back up in the Chicagoland area. This weekend I have a full on project of stuffing envelopes with; cover letters, resumes, references and pictures. Oh joy :)
A lot of end of the year stuff going on at school. Only 5 more Mondays of school and that is a very bittersweet feeling.
Anyways, I'll be back this weekend. Still have not organized ALL of my blogs on BlogLovin', but I'm not too worried about it :)
Middle Tennessee is supposed to get a major storm tonight, so we'll see how I sleep tonight. I hope everyone is enjoying their Wednesday. 2 more days until the weekend!! :)
Oh, Applitrack. I don't miss those days. :) Good luck!