This past Friday, our school had a vocabulary parade. Our school district does not celebrate Halloween (insert sad face here), but we do this vocab parade where every student (and teacher) dresses up like a vocab word. Some examples this year were; backwards (they put all of their clothes on backwards), blustery (they attached leaves to themselves and carried a blown back umbrella) and comical (they dress up like a clown). Well, us teachers dressed up as well!! Since we teach 1st grade, we wanted to incorporate 1st place, winning type of words. There are 5 of us that teach 1st grade, so we were all a different 'winning/athletic' word. I was competitive. Here we are! :)
This weekend was low key. Just what I needed! Because next weekend The Boy will be here!! :)
(I did this to my hair Saturday morning. I found quick 5-min up dos ((on Pinterest-of course)) and this one actually worked! I need to work on getting more volume up by the crown though)
Anyways, Friday night I went out to Blackhorse for dinner with one of my friends (we'll call her Mrs. D) and her dad. It was a great night around good people!
One of the dogs I love on while I'm down here!
Saturday I slept in until 9:30!!! This is unheard of! Waking up at 5 am everyday really wears you out by Friday night. I went to the local farmers market in the morning and then ran some more errands.
Our farmer's market by the river!
In the afternoon my very sweet friend, Mrs. D (who I also work with) let me do laundry at her house. I got to play with these silly pups for awhile and I definitely got my dog fix in!
Aren't they just the cutest???

Funny story about this huge ass spider to come sometime this week. EWWWWW!!! Kristen does NOT like spiders this big!
Today, I went to church with Mrs. D. It's a very fun, outgoing, upbeat type of church service. Which is what I prefer. :)
On Thursday this fine young man is coming to visit me!!! I never thought he'd be able to with his work schedule, but I am beyond excited!! 4 more days!!
5 for Five tomorrow morning. Be there or be there!!! I kinda like blogging in the morning before work! :)
It also bummed me out when I taught in that district that they didn't do Halloween. LOVE your hair in the second photo! Your mention of the farmers market makes me miss Clarksville! I hope you have a low-key WEEK this week before The Boy's arrival - and I hope you two have a great weekend together! See you tomorrow at 5 for Five!