
Sunday, December 22, 2013

BIG Changes and BIG Deals

First...look what happened December 8th, 2013!!!

YES!!! The Boy and I are engaged and we couldn't be happier. 

How he did "it": He put a red note on Bronx's (our dog) collar and The Boy told me to go get Bronx from outside and I noticed the red tag and I was asking The Boy why he had it on him. I finally got Bronx to get the tag off and on the front it said "To: Mommy" and I opened it and it said, "Will you be my mommy...forever?" I freaked out threw the cards in the snow and turned around and he was on one knee...and you know what happens after that!

Let the wedding planning begin. Any good websites or advice? I'm all ears! Ahhh.... I still can't believe it! I'm sooooo happy!!

Another big deal news, although not AS big of a deal as the engagement, we started our business and partnership with a great local team here in the Northwest Suburbs. 

The Fiancé (that'll be his new name) and I are driving business online to small and large corporations. We are partners with the Amway corporation. They have 3 exclusive products lines; an all natural vitamin and supplement line called Nutrilite, a top of the line make-up and skincare line called Artistry, and an all organic, safe and natural cleaning product Legacy of Clean. We are so excited to start this venture in our life. 

Check out our business page here. More on demonstrations, giveaways, and testimonials from friends and family. Please let me know if you'd like me to send you some free sample products based on a product line that looks most appealing to you in exchange for your honest reviews of the products.

Well, it's football Sunday around here. That means while The Fiancé watches screams and swears at the football games, I'm looking at Pinterest for wedding ideas and meal planning for the week and making my to-do lists for the week.

I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday week full of laughter, family, friends and fun!!!